Circus Sensible
Facepainters, Balloon Modellers


Face Painters, Balloon Modellers and Henna Tattoo artists for all events, nationwide. Prices from £295 per day or £50/hour (plus travel and VAT)
Stacks Image 9
Name:: ".$_POST[$sfTitle]."
"; ?>
Your Email:: ".$_POST[$sfTitle]."
"; ?>
Your Location:: ".$_POST[$sfTitle]."
"; ?>
Your Message::

".nl2br(str_replace("\xc2\xa0",' ', $_POST[$sfTitle]), true)."

"; ?>
verify($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (!$resp->isSuccess()) { $output = json_encode(array('type'=>'error', 'text' => 'Captcha Validation Required!')); die($output); } } ?>
" . $htmlBody . "
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Your message was sent successfully.

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Your message was sent successfully.

"; } else { echo "

Mail Error

Sorry something seems to have gone wrong, please try again later.

"; }?>
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Someone should be contacting you shortly.

-Autoreply EOD; $autoreplyBody = strip_tags($autoreplyHtmlBody); $autoreplyFrom = ""; if($autoreplyFrom == "") { $autoreplyFrom = $emailFromH; } $headersReply = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headersReply .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; $headersReply .= 'From: '. $autoreplyFrom . "\r\n"; $autoreplySubject = html_entity_decode($autoreplySubject); mail($email,$autoreplySubject,$autoreplyHtmlBody,$headersReply); ?>